Rose Petals A gift our garden brings! At Paradise Gardens, we love the colors of our roses and we try to preserve the many medicinal gifts they bring us! In San Diego County, we prune our roses before our winter frost, which is usually late November, early December. This will bring spring blooms for late March, early April. Before pruning, we harvest all the rose petals for various uses. For Weddings, Events & Celebrations ROSE PETALS instead of RICE For the bride and grooms congratulatory sending off; instead of rice, confetti or anything un-natural for the land, one can preserve rose petals by freezing them in ziplock bags. This lends to a more vibrant, fresh color. Laying them out to dry can also be done and then bagged and put aside for your special day. Paradise Gardens WEDDING FAVOR ideas: Rose Petal Jam Homemade Potpourri Rose Water (small spray bottles) Bath Salts Rose Infused Oil Rose petals and rose hips have many medicinal ...